Policies and Procedures
- The Tournament Committee will consist of a minimum of 6 representatives from a combination of individuals associated with, Sterling Farms & E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Courses, The Metropolitan Golf Association and The PGA of America.
- Only the first 192 players returning their fully completed registration form with full payment will be guaranteed entry. Entries will be marked with the date of receipt to determine priority. In the event more than 192 entries are received the tournament Committee, in its sole discretion, will determine the size of the field.
- Participation in the tournament will be governed by USGA rules including, but not limited to, pace of play, handicap adjustment, rules interpretation, disqualification, etc.
- The Tournament Committee will review handicaps to determine if adjustments are merited for tournament play based upon all USGA criteria. The Tournament committee will check to determine if participants have posted all golf scores correctly prior to the tournament.. Any golfer submitting an incorrect score, or failing to post a score, or failing to designate a prior score as a tournament score when participating in a tournament, shall be subject to disqualification. Any information provided to the Tournament Committee concerning an improper handicap will be reviewed and investigated thoroughly. Any infractions of USGA rules discovered by the Tournament Committee will result in enforcement action, including, but not limited to, disqualification. If two “T”, entered tournament scores, are lower than participant’s index, then the tow lowest tournament scores will be combined with the current index to provide an index for the City Tournament..
- *The Tournament Committee shall place entrants in flights after receiving and reviewing the registrations. The Tournament Committee will determine the number of flights and the number of golfers in each flight. Players in the handicap divisions will be flighted according to handicap and will play without strokes in their respective handicap divisions. Prizes will be awarded based on the number of participants in each flight.
- Both courses will only allow 2 carts in a foursome.
- Punctuality is the sole responsibility of the applicant. If the applicant is late for their posted starting time they will be penalized 2 shots (up to 5 minutes late only). Players arriving more than 5 minutes after their posted tee times are automatically disqualified and will not be allowed to play the following day.
- GPS and artificial measuring devices are allowed. Devices which calculate slope ARE NOT PERMITTED.